Michelle and Grant
Dear friends and family,
Here, you will find a glimpse into our story, as well as the formalities and logistics
of our wedding day.

We are immeasurably grateful for your
presence and support.

All our love,
Michelle and Grant

Michelle Rae Sonico
Grant Joseph Cibik Gifford

09. 20. 2025

Oakland, California

Michelle and Grant



The Beginning

April 2020 was the very beginning of the pandemic when restaurants and bars were no longer allowed to accommodate dining in– not the most conducive conditions for arranging a first date, but they managed to find a way.

At this stage in their lives, Michelle and Grant were on two very different paths. A few years prior, Michelle had moved to Sacramento to pursue a career in the California State Senate. This was a curious move as she had graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Registered Nursing, but working in state politics and policy gave her a sense of joy and fulfillment. Grant had just completed his third year of medical school training in southern California. Unfortunately (but in hindsight very fortunately), due to the pandemic, Grant had to move back to his hometown of Roseville, where he planned to complete his fourth year clinical training requirement for graduation. If it weren’t for a global pandemic, Grant would have remained in southern California for his training, and Michelle and Grant would have likely never crossed paths.

The Date

For their first date, Michelle suggested that they grab takeout at Roxie Deli in East Sacramento and walk over to McKinley Park. Grant was enthusiastic and agreed to the plan. Roxie Deli is not only one of the best sandwich spots in Sacramento but also happened to be located a few blocks from Michelle’s highly protective older cousin’s house who had a golf club and an equally protective dog sidekick just in case things went sideways. Michelle and Grant had connected through a dating app; through that app they had conversed with one another over the course of a few weeks. This date would be the first time they met in-person.

They found a bench to plop down on in the park and for hours had become enveloped in conversation, so much so that ants ended up eating Grant’s neglected takeout– Grant didn’t seem to mind. As their first date came to a close, Grant mentioned, “If I could rate this first date, it would be a 9.9 out of 10.” Under usual circumstances Michelle would have found a 9.9 acceptable, but these were not usual circumstances. Puzzled, Michelle thought, “Where is my missing 0.1?” Before she could muster up a response, Grant clarified, “Only a 9.9 because I wish we were able to sit at a restaurant, otherwise everything else was perfect.”

By their second date, no getting-to-know-each-other questions were off-limits. Every topic arbitrarily deemed as “unconventional” for the preliminary stage of dating was up for discussion, from politics to religion, and money to “kids or no kids.” To keep with the spirit of concluding their dates by saying something that catches Michelle off-guard, Grant let it be known that he was not dating anyone else– with a demure sense of relief Michelle seconded that. Their first several dates continued to be this exhilarating and inexplicably joyful line of questioning, which to this day they still fondly look back on.

They soon recognized that their values and goals were very much aligned, even though their interests and lived experiences couldn’t have been more different. They grew to really appreciate this dynamic in their relationship, that they are similar enough to feel in step with one another, but different enough that they often teach each other something new.

The Move

Fast forward to March 2023, Michelle and Grant moved into their first apartment together in San Francisco. At this stage in their lives, Grant was in the process of finishing his third and final year of internal medicine residency as chief resident; he had also recently matched at his top choice, the University of California San Francisco Nephrology Fellowship Program. Around the same time, Michelle accepted a promotion advancing her career in state child care and development policy. Though her office remains in Sacramento, Michelle is fortunate enough to work remotely (with the occasional in-person meetings or conference). There was a sense of elation and ease as they moved in together; from the trajectory of their careers to the neighborhood they chose to settle in. The timing of this new chapter couldn’t have felt more right.

Living in San Francisco makes them feel as if the world is at their doorstep, and that even something as routine as running an odd errand can become a grand adventure. It’s difficult to condense what makes the city so special to them; it’s the people, the food, the nature, the culture, everything. Michelle and Grant are very thankful in this season of their lives and that they are able to call the city their home.

The Proposal

Michelle and Grant have spent the past couple of years humouring the idea of travelling to Japan together. They had both visited separately once before and longed to return. February 2024, they made it happen. For two weeks they traversed Japan via plane, train, and foot. From their time in Niseko snowboarding through snow so pristine it would make Tahoe weep, to Tokyo’s immersive technicolor nightlife, to Osaka’s limitless fanfare of food corridors. They spent every moment of every day captivated.

As their trip began to wind down, they travelled to a small hot spring town in the countryside. Michelle and Grant’s early morning voyage involved several connecting trains all while hauling their brimming luggages along. Once they arrived at their hotel they dropped off their belongings at the front desk as they were too early to check in. Instead of relaxing in the lobby or leisurely perusing novelty shops nearby, Grant broached the idea of going on a hike to see a waterfall on the outskirts of town. With much reluctance, Michelle joined Grant, but still felt grumpy about it.

As they approached the end of the trail, the waterfall appeared to be rather modest. But the area was peaceful, and breathing in the crisp air and listening to the creek below was very pleasant. Without missing a beat Grant reached for his phone, “we have to take a photo together with the waterfall,” he said. He proceeded to invest a few minutes into balancing his phone on a couple of loose rocks. This behavior was out-of-character for Grant and it did not go unnoticed. He walked back to Michelle and instead of looking at the camera to take a photo, he looked at her. “This is not how I had originally planned on doing this… You have seen me through some of the most difficult moments in my life… and I want to keep doing this with you forever.”

Engagement Photo 1


Sequoyah Country Club
Location Icon

Sequoyah Country Club

4550 Heafey Road, Oakland, CA 94605

Wedding guests must be seated no later than 4:50pm.
The ceremony will begin promptly at 5:00pm.

Complimentary reserved parking will be available for wedding guests in front of the Sequoyah Country Clubhouse.

High Importance Icon

Late Entry Policy

Late entry to the ceremony will not be permitted–this is to ensure that the ceremony and videographer are not disrupted. Wedding guests that arrive late will wait beyond the Clubhouse premises until the ceremony has concluded and may join the festivities once cocktail hour begins at 5:30pm.

No Phone Icon

No Phones Policy

We invite all our wedding guests to be fully present with us during our ceremony, and to respectfully turn off all phones and cameras.


Dress Code is Black Tie Optional

For more inspiration, please click the button below.

Diamond Earrings Black Tie
Dress Collage Suits Collage


We have curated our wedding registry which can be accessed using the button provided below.

Though we appreciate the thought and care that goes into creative gift giving, we kindly ask that guests only purchase gifts from our wedding registry – we live in an apartment in the city with modest square footage and have to be mindful of items we can allot space for.

Monetary Gifts

  • 1. Please make the check out to either: "Michelle Rae Sonico” or “Grant Gifford"
  • 2. Include name(s) of whom it is from
  • 3. Drop monetary gift at the envelope drop box located in the clubhouse near the main entrance

All monetary gifts will be deposited into a shared bank account and will be dedicated to supplementing our honeymoon– we look forward to spending our honeymoon traversing the south of France and Spain. Any remaining monetary gifts will be deposited into a joint investment account.


In any moment of doubt in regards to wedding details please don’t hesitate to contact us at michelleandgrantforever@gmail.com


1. Can I RSVP online or do I have to mail it in?

We will only be accepting RSVPs online via the wedding website.

2. What date should I RSVP by?

July 20, 2025

3. Will you accept late RSVP submissions?


4. What do I do if I can no longer attend the wedding?

Please inform us via email at michelleandgrantforever@gmail.com as soon as possible if you are no longer able to attend the wedding.

5. Am I allowed to bring a plus one?

You may only bring a plus one if it was specifically indicated on your wedding invitation.

6. Am I allowed to bring my child(ren)?

No, the only children attending will be those participating in the wedding entourage.


1. Will the wedding and reception be at the same location?


2. Is the wedding and reception venue wheelchair accessible?


3. Is there parking available near the wedding and reception venue?

Yes, there will be reserved parking for wedding guests. Although there should be sufficient parking spaces for all wedding guests, we still encourage those of you that can carpool to please do so.

4. Will the wedding ceremony be indoors or outdoors?

The wedding ceremony will take place outdoors on the front lawn of the Sequoyah Country Club.

5. Will the reception be indoors or outdoors?

The reception will take place inside the Sequoyah Country Club House.

6. Will the cocktail hour be indoors or outdoors?

Cocktail hour will take place outdoors on the front lawn of the Sequoyah Country Club next to where the ceremony will be held.

7. During the ceremony, am I allowed to take photos and videos?


8. During the reception and cocktail hour, am I allowed to take photos and videos?

Yes, but please do not interfere with our hired photographer and videographers. Professional photos taken during the wedding and the reception will be shared with all guests.


1. What is the dress code for the wedding ceremony and reception?

The dress code will be black tie. Please refer to the "Wedding Guest Attire" section on our wedding website.

2. Is there a list of preferred colors for guests that plan on wearing dresses?

Yes, please refer to the image and color palette in the "Wedding Guest Attire" section.


1. Will there be an open bar?


2. Can you accommodate food allergies/dietary restrictions?

Yes, please indicate your food allergies/dietary restrictions in the RSVP.


1. Do you have a hotel recommendation near the wedding venue?

Yes, we are in the process of securing a hotel room block at the Kissel Uptown Oakland.

2. Will transportation be provided for the wedding?

No, everyone will be responsible for their transportation to and from the wedding.

3. Is there parking available near the wedding and reception venue?

Yes, there will be reserved parking for wedding guests. Although there should be sufficient parking spaces for all wedding guests, we still encourage those of you that can carpool to please do so.


For any comments, questions, concerns regarding anything wedding-related please email us at michelleandgrantforever@gmail.com